The day when you save Russia’s soul

It’s 9th of May. I am German, so this day has huge significance. Yesterday, my country has been brought to its knees. Yesterday, Germany has been defeated. Читать на русском языке Only a minority of Germans ever voted for Hitler. He needed a coalition to come to power. But you […]

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День, когда вы спасёте душу России

Сегодня 9 мая. Я немец, поэтому этот день имеет для меня огромное значение. Вчера моя страна была поставлена на колени. Вчера Германия потерпела поражение. Read in English Только меньшинство немцев голосовало за Гитлера. Ему нужна была коалиция, чтобы прийти к власти. Но вас это не волнует. Вы говорите “нацист” и […]

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"Hangover" short story by Chris Pyak

(Let Me) Rest in Peace

His funeral was a quiet event. Or would have been if the priest wouldn’t have gone on and on and on about how much everyone loved him and how dearly he would be missed. Blah, blah, blah…

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"Hangover" short story by Chris Pyak

A Life So Shiny

Michael screamed. It was not only the sudden, bright light that scared him, but also the fact that a giant had grabbed him by the feet, hanged him head down and smacked him on the butt – without any previous warning. Michael was terrified.

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Unsere Gesellschaft überaltert massiv. Wie können wir Stagnation verhindern? Altersstruktur der Deutschen (ohne Einwanderer) Betrachten wir nur deutsche Staatsbürger wird klar wie notwendig Einwanderung für unser Land ist: Es gibt weniger volljährige Deutsche unter 30 Jahren als Deutsche über 70 Jahren. Und weniger Deutsche unter 30 als Rentner. Wer bezahlt […]

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Womans Day Stories

The most influential person in my life was my grandmother. She was born under the German empire, saw two world wars, the moon landing and Microsoft 95. She went to Dresden to take her daughter home from “Landverschickung” during the war and forced the headmistress to give her daughter back. […]

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BBC interviewed me about career change

“But jumping to become a Quereinsteiger takes gall. However, Düsseldorf-based career coach Chris Pyak says if he can do it, anyone can – that’s why his job is now helping others overcome such obstacles.”BBC Here is the full article.

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Brutes of the Dark Ages

“Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance.” – This is the fundamental conflict between the open society and its enemies, expressed in one sentence. It wasn’t a politician or a religious leader who said this, but someone whose profession it is to place a huge question mark on our assumptions and beliefs: comedian Russell Brand.

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Happy Job Hunt

For a decade now I notice the same phenomenon: Every year after the summer holidays, German employers start to hire at an accelerated pace. I believe the reason is very simple: Managers need to defend their budget and unfilled positions make them vulnerable to budget cuts. That’s why Expats looking […]

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Solarpunk – A better future

I think we all deserve a break from bad news. During the last months I took a course for Narrative Podcasts at NYU. Here is the result: Solarpunk is a fictional podcast from the year 2047. It’s kind of an Immigrant Tale. It’s about the joy of starting fresh and […]

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